Touhou: Mountain of Faith

How to play?

Use the arrow keys to control your character, press shift key to move slowly so you can dodge bullets more precisely.  Your goal is do not hit by the  bullets in 10 seconds.

Updated on week 6

1.Using list animator to make the animation of the background;

2.Making the hitbox of player become visible;

3.The enemy can move in the stage;

4.Increasing the move speed of player;

5.Add the title page and its bgm, and add a arrow that can back to the title page

6.Add the lose text and win text;

7.Add the density of bullets, bullet will hit the player if player not moves, and it will become harmless to player if the enemy is died.


Touhou: Mountain of Faith.(2007)

Used the animator on the animation of character and enemy in this game.

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